Sunday, July 27, 2008

More Hotel Snafus

So, we were really excited that we were upgraded to this new room but the glory of it is all over. Yesterday, we were going to take Eli to the pool at 9am right when it opens. We would let him swim for an hour and then we would put him down for a nap after a bath.

We got Eli dressed in his swim diaper and bathing suit. We lathered him up with sun screen. We go down to the pool and it is locked. I asked the front desk when they would open the pool. The front desk said it would be at least another hour because they had to put chemicals in the pool.

1. Who puts chemicals in on a Sat? Probably the busiest day of the week.

2. Can you be smart enough to put up a sign that says pool opening up late? A simple sign would have saved me the hassle of wasting a swim diaper and putting sun screen on my son.

So, since we were not going to be able to wait an hour. We filled the bath tub up and let Eli splash for a while.

We left the room after Eli's nap and asked for it to be cleaned since the do not disturb sign had been up all morning. Front desk said - no problem. We come back a few hours later and room was never cleaned. I don't mind using the same towels more than once, I do that at home but it would have been nice if they would have taken the trash with all the dirty diapers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. I check your blog every day, EVERY DAY, and then there's 3 updates when I check from home! Oy. Anyway, that stinks when the hotel can't even make the guests aware of closing the pool during open hours. (Still, really cute that you made lemonade from that bag of lemons!)