Friday, September 25, 2009

Surviving the heat

I was born in South Florida, lived in Florida for 30 years of my life, I love the heat.... at least I thought I did.

I have been living in Georgia for a couple of years now. The humidity is less where I live, the summers are mild and the winters are brutal (at least to a Floridian). Growing up, I always loved the hot weather and the summers. Unfortunately, I am not used to the heat anymore.

I went to Gainesville last weekend to see a football game with my husband and son. I am so happy that we had a link to go inside the air condition areas. After being outside for the first quarter, I was done and ready for the AC. I spent more than half the game indoors.

This weekend, I am at my alma mater in Tallahassee. Weather says for gametime tomorrow, it will be 90 degrees outside. I am not looking forward to that. Normally, I get to the game early, stay the entire game, enjoy the heat and now I am afraid that I will have to leave the game early due to the heat.

It is amazing how your body changes over just a couple of years.

Monday, September 21, 2009

New banner

In celebration of football season, I have changed my banner picture. GO NOLES!

Cute saying from Eli

Yesterday, I took a couple of hours to myself and went grocery shopping. When I came home, Eli said to me "I am so happy to see you."

So sweet.