Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 3rd of July???

For some reason, the city I live in does their 4th of July celebration on the 3rd of July. Fireworks, a band, the whole shibang! I don't understand why they do the big celebration on the 3rd but it is a tradition here.

We took Eli to see the fireworks for the first time. I was not sure what his reaction would be to the loud noise. But, he had a great time. He did hold onto me quite strongly at times but enjoyed watching the fireworks. He just stared at them, no smile, no expression but also no crying.

At one point, during the fireworks display, a tree caught on fire. Of course, the crowd was now looking at the tree instead of the fireworks. All I kept thinking about was that my 6 month old car is parked near there. Luckily, the fire department had the fire out within 5 minutes.

Just in case you are curious, I did find out that our city holds fireworks on the third of July just in case there is weather. If that is the case, they can have their fireworks on the 4th. Does it make sense to you? It does not to me, like fireworks on the 5th would be terrible if weather held them up.


Anonymous said...

I totally missed this post for some reason! But, for some reason (maybe the reason I missed this post?), I get why they had the fireworks on the 3rd. We had ours on the 4th and we got rained out. We had to abandon the city festival to flee the rising tides or build an ark, it was pouring down so hard. I don't know if they actually had the fireworks after all..

Beccabec said...

There is a town north of Orlando that does fireworks on the 3rd as well. But if there is weather problems, then they just cancel it. Weird.