Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I hate being so dependent on gas

It is so frustrating that we are so dependent on gas. We need gas for our cars, gas for our heating source and gas for our stoves. It has been about a week now where it is almost impossible to find gas for your car. I have never waited on line before. I usually try to fill up around ½ tank so when there is a line, I just fill up another time. But, last Sunday, I had no choice, it was either wait or no gas.

I live off a main road so there are plenty of gas stations around. But, for the past week, none of them have had gas. Luckily, with working from home, I do not drive a lot but you need gas to get to the grocery store, the doctor’s office, the essentials etc.

On the news, they talk about the one station that has received a shipment of gas and the hour long wait for you to get gas. When is relief coming? According to the news, it could still be another week or two.

They say, do not fill up unless you are running on fumes because everyone filling up when gas stations open up is part of the problem. But, it is hard not too- when your job, grocery store, etc is not around the corner, you need to make sure you have enough gas to last until our stations are refilled.

Where I live, gas is usually below the national average. But, for the last two weeks, we have been about 20 cents above the national average and according to gas prices have been going down but not where we live.

It still frustrates me that government is not doing anything to help the situation. I disagree with drilling in Alaska. That will hurt the environment and only bring about 2%-3% more gas to the US. To me, it is not worth saving pennies. It frustrates me that government does not allow more efficient cars into this country. They have been made and available in Europe but our money hungry, oil investor government officials don’t want them here.


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about this dependency thing. I had the car I always wanted - a Dodge Ram but I had to trade it in for a smaller car because of the gas guzzling. It seems that I spend more on gas than I do on groceries!!!

Hopefully something will happen but waiting on the government to do the right thing is taking way too long! (I second your opinion about the offshore drilling)

Anonymous said...

Hoping for things to get better for your area soon! We don't have shortages here, just knee jerk reactions from the stations reacting to coming storms or economy pricing.

Casey Wilson said...

These gas prices are insane. I don't see any relief in site and I don't know how people are affording to live. I stay home with the kids and Jamie works from home most days so we don't drive too often but I can't imagine those people who do and how they're making ends meet.
Hope you guys get to fill up soon!

Beccabec said...

It is insanity. I wish I lived closer to a lot of things so I could even contemplate walking or biking but there is no way. We even have taken to using the most fuel efficient of our vehicles on the weekends to save gas.