Thursday, September 11, 2008

All Da!

Eli has been working on physical milestones in the past couple of months: walking, running, climbing etc. He has not been saying many words that are easy to understand but he babbles all the time.

His new word is Done. Now, when he finishes eating, he waves his hands and says "Da" for All Done. I need to capture it on video. It is very cute.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Just wait until the first "love you" comes. You'll be mush. Right now, Sprite's biggest thing is to stand on our bed, holding onto us and then flinging herself backwards to land on the quilt. She's gonna hurt herself one day. I foresee it.

Beccabec said...

That is awesome! It is great when they start to communicate. I can't wait either for the "love you!". Right now I just settle for large, open mouth kisses.