Sunday, September 21, 2008


Now is the time of year where stores are displaying Halloween and Christmas decorations (which piss me off - it is September, I have no interest in seeing half a store of Christmas decorations and listening to those same songs that are so annoying!)

Lowell and I went to Lowe's with Eli. I was holding him as we entered the store and Lowe's had displayed a 4 foot tall witch which had her broom in a cauldron. As we approached the witch, she starting moving (stirring the cauldron), talking and cackling and her eyes glowed and moved.

Eli almost jumped out of my arms and had a mixed expression of gameface and I just sh't in my pants. Lowell and I were hysterical laughing at his expression. (nice of us!)

I have read that kids are not scared about monsters and stuff until age 3 but my 16 month old was petrified!


Casey Wilson said...

My kid is the same, at 21 months he gets freaked whenever he sees a new character on TV.

Anonymous said...

Don't go by what everyone else says because all of my kiddos were petrified of monsters - I too hate the early attack of decorations and holidays - reminds us that we have so much to spend on with not enough money.

Poor Eli! and yeah, bad parents for laughing. (Heck, not really, I laugh all the time, even when they get shots. I am crying and laughing at the same time - maybe a defense mechanism or something, I don't know)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, you HAVE to laugh!

Fran said...

It's ok Ali Jen would Freak out also when she would see people dressed up in costumes.

Beccabec said...

Sorry but every time I read this I am still laughing at Eli. I love the game face video and hope that he can conquer his fears. If not, I will still be here to laugh. Sorry Eli!