Friday, August 22, 2008

Work- Diverse and Time Consuming

I have several jobs:

  • Mom to a 15 month old
  • Wife
  • Project Manager for a large company
  • Planner for a mom’s group
  • Chauffeur for my little one

And I can think of many more but I will not bore you with all the details!

Let’s concentrate on my three biggest jobs.

Let’s start with my most fun and rewarding job – Mom. I am lucky, my son is laid back, sweet and fun to be around. (I am biased but it is true.) He is a joy to raise. My “mom” job begins between 6:30am and 7:00am and ends between 7:30pm and 8:00pm when Eli goes to bed for the night.

My second job is being a wife. And, yes it is a job. I have to make sure that my husband is not jealous of the time I spend being a mom.

My third job is being a project manager. This job takes around 45 hours a week. I am really lucky that with this job, my hours are flexible which make is much easier to be job #1 – a mom. I do work with a global team so my hours are not set in stone. One day, I can be on a conference call at 7am with India, a 9am call with the United Kingdom and a 5pm call with the west coast of the US. For this job, I have tasks which have to be completed within a certain timeframe. I manage budgets and timelines and have to facilitate status meetings and write status reports.

The nice thing about my job as a project manager is that I work 100% from home and with a flexible schedule, I am able to go between being a mom and a project manager throughout the day. We have not started Eli in preschool yet and am not until next year.

So, I take turns during the day playing Mom and PM and luckily my husband works from home as well so I get some extra help when needed. It is a lot to juggle but worth it so I can spend more time with Eli.


Anonymous said...

That is so awesome! I am glad that you have that flexibility - I would give up my right arm for something like that!

Keep up the good work - so far seems like you are doing a great job at it!

Anonymous said...

Awesome post, Ali! Totally nailed it. I've said it before how envious I am of your schedule. Getting to work full time and still reap full time mommy benefits!

Anonymous said...

Aww I wish I had a job like that where I could work from home. Your son looks absolutely adorable, I'd wanna work from home too. ;)


Beccabec said...

Can't I just hurt you for having that much flexibility. HEHEHE

HeatherPride said...

Yeah, I'm so jealous of your paying job! I would love to work from home. But then I'd probably get fired because I probably wouldn't get much "real" work done. But then it would be so great.....but then I'd probably never change out of my pajamas.....hmmmmmmm