Thursday, August 7, 2008

Preschool Assessment - P.S - far location

Well, people have marvelled about this school. Even though it was further than I wanted to go, I needed to check it out.

I was very impressed. Director has been there 11 years. Most of the teachers have been there over 7 years. School was clean, activities were interesting and taught something. We walk into the classroom and the teacher greets Eli and plays with him while I talk to the director.

This is the only school that I liked better than G.S. but there is one problem and it is not a minor one. The kids say a prayer before they eat.

Now, I have only been looking at nonreligious facilities and this one is. The prayer does have G-d in it but not in a religious way. But, still I feel uncomfortable about it. Lowell and I don't pray before we eat and we both agree that we do not want to confuse Eli.

So, I am curious about how the two mothers I know who read my blog feel about this. I feel weird about it and now am really thinking that I will sign Eli up for G.S.


Anonymous said...

Ali, you have to go with your gut on this one. Sprite brings home a lot of what she learns in school, and practices at home. If the prayer said at lunch is even slightly offensive (although I don't think you consider it offensive, that may be too strong of a word) or offputting, then you need to go with your gut.
There was a school in a church that I was considering for a brief period, but they had bible time (new testament) that they did twice a day, which nixed that center.

Beccabec said...

This would make me very uncomfortable too. Whatever place you drop Eli off at should be in line with your parenting style. This would have been a huge no for me if they prayed before anything.

If it feels wrong to you, don't go.