Thursday, August 28, 2008


Eli has always been the laid back, easy going kid who never got in trouble because he goes with the flow. Then, he started walking...

Before, if Eli did not get his way, he did not care and would just move on. Now, if he does not gets his way, he complains, cries, or hits the wall, floor, etc.

Today, Eli did not get his way and he bit me. Yes, bit me. I am as shocked as you are. I thought it would be years before I had to discipline him. But, today, Eli went into timeout for the first time. I sat him on the floor next to the wall and told him he was in timeout and we sat there for 60 seconds. Then, I let him go back and play.

I am still in shock.


Anonymous said...

ahh - the first time out!! I remember that one.

Well, you are lucky he stayed for the whole 60 seconds! usually it is 1 second for every month that they are old until age 4 when it is usually 2 minutes and up.

How did you do it? Inquiring minds want to know!

Allinole said...

Well, I sat next to him the entire time, blocking him so he had no where to go.

Anonymous said...

You see, that has never worked for me - if I try that - I usually get swatted or climbed on - ahhh what i would give for a good "time out"....the latest is little man actually going to time out but instead of sitting there - he runs INTO the wall and then crashes on the floor (I can only imagine what my neighbors think!! I think this is why the apartment has had 3 tenants in 2 yrs)

Anonymous said...

How could I have missed this post?!
You're linked!
And great job with enforcing the time out! If I had sat with Sprite, she would have immediately been jabbing her fingers into my eyes and nose and other face features to impress me with her knowledge.