Thursday, August 21, 2008

Little Milestones

Yesterday, Eli had a playdate with his friends. We have not been to a playdate in a while due to vacation, family in town, and work conflicts. When we used to go to playdates, Eli would hover over me for the first 15 minutes and then he would feel comfortable playing without holding onto me with one hand.

Ever since he started walking, his whole personality has changed. He has had mini temper tantrums, been crankier than usual, and more independent.

When we arrived at the playdate, Eli found a push behind popper toy and he was all around the house. He could care less where mommy was.

We stayed at the playdate for 2 hours. Every so often, Eli would check in on me to make sure I was still there and even once he gave me game face.

It is amazing to see your child grow into his independence.

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