Monday, June 30, 2008

Pee, Poop and Boogers; Oh My!!!

I hope the title did not scare you off. But, I was thinking about all the disgusting things us Moms (and Dads) go through with their children and usually do not bat an eye.

I just got back from vacation and catching up on my friends' blogs. One friend talked about how her daughter is potty training and she missed the potty and peed on the rug. Another talked about how her daughter took off her diaper and played with her poop. (written by my friend's husband) All the "wonderful" things we each experience as parents.

I thought I would add to the experiences above. Did you ever think that you would have to wipe away your kids snot, boogers, etc with your bare hands before he decided to use his own and smear the snot all through his hair? Wonderful picture, isn't it? But, that has been my life for the past week. Wiping away boogers and snot all day and part of the night!


Anonymous said...

I just love those sneezes they pull on you when you're in the car and can't reach them. You hear it and just know what's happening and all you think is, I hope there's enough wet wipes to clean it all. Good times, good times.

Beccabec said...

Yup! Never thought I wouldn't think twice to stick my finger in her nose to pull out a booger, get poop all over my hands or position her so she throws up on me instead of herself...and not even think twice. I think it is in the Parent's Contract that we sign before we get our kid! HAHAHAHA