Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Just Do It!

I have been talking about creating a blog for months now. What a great way to rant and rave etc... I just have not been able to put the pen to the paper (or should I say "fingers to the keys") .

So, I finally registered with "Blogspot" but when the site asked me to name my blog, I sat there for hours (well, really minutes). I could not and did not come up with a creative name. Does that mean that my blogs are doomed from the start? Can your blogs be interesting to others if you cannot come up with a create name?

Well, even if this post has no interest to you- two thumbs up for me- I started my blog.

By the way, if you can help me come up with a more creative name, I am open to it. (Can names on blogs be changed?)


Beccabec said...

Yeah for blogging!!!!

Anonymous said...

All right! No worries about beginning and second-guessing. You can always start over once you figure out your format and who you're speaking to. I personally like allinole cuz it's how I know you in email world. Becca's Katz Cradle is another creative one that tickles me. If it has meaning to you, it doesn't need to make sense to others. The biggest mama blogger out there is Dooce. Another large one is Amalah. The blog titles aren't the biggest draw, it's what you have to say.
I'm looking forward to lots of posts from you!

Sue said...

Hey Girl! Congrats on starting a blog :) It will be great to keep up with the family doings and the little one, of course!!