Friday, June 6, 2008

Baby Book Blues

I always said I would keep up with Eli's baby book. And, I was diligent about it for about 6 months. When Eli was born, I started a journal for him. I wrote in it just about every other day. Every 26th of the month, I printed out pictures from the previous months and updated the baby book.

Oh the Baby Book Blues. Oh the Baby Book Blues.

Then my maternity leave ended when Eli was three months old and I went back to work part time. The journal entries became once a week instead of every other day. But, I still updated the baby book once a month.

Oh the Baby Book Blues. Oh the Baby Book Blues.

Then, I went back to work full time when Eli was about 6 months old. The journal entries became few and far between. And, the baby book got updated as I could get to it.

Oh the Baby Book Blues. Oh the Baby Book Blues.

Now, Eli is over a year old. My baby book is should be complete but it is not even close. I don't even have a picture of our house in it yet. You would think that would be simple enough!

Oh the Baby Book Blues. Oh the Baby Book Blues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now there's a Blues song I can wrap my brain around!