Friday, September 25, 2009

Surviving the heat

I was born in South Florida, lived in Florida for 30 years of my life, I love the heat.... at least I thought I did.

I have been living in Georgia for a couple of years now. The humidity is less where I live, the summers are mild and the winters are brutal (at least to a Floridian). Growing up, I always loved the hot weather and the summers. Unfortunately, I am not used to the heat anymore.

I went to Gainesville last weekend to see a football game with my husband and son. I am so happy that we had a link to go inside the air condition areas. After being outside for the first quarter, I was done and ready for the AC. I spent more than half the game indoors.

This weekend, I am at my alma mater in Tallahassee. Weather says for gametime tomorrow, it will be 90 degrees outside. I am not looking forward to that. Normally, I get to the game early, stay the entire game, enjoy the heat and now I am afraid that I will have to leave the game early due to the heat.

It is amazing how your body changes over just a couple of years.


Sprite's Keeper said...

Not out of Florida for so long and already not used to it? Oh, Ali! Just make sure you use and abuse the sunscreen!

SamieB said...

So Ali, did you survive the heat?!! It's been pretty brutal here in S. FL too!! It is amazing how we change!! Go Noles!!!