Monday, April 6, 2009

Missing Florida

I am a south Floridian at heart. Born in Hollywood, Florida. Raised in Miramar, Fl and then Coral Springs, Florida. I left South Florida when I left for college in 1995 and have not been back except to visit.

I left South Florida for North Florida for college. (Go Noles!) I lived in Tallahassee for 11 years (minus 9 months for a job in Tampa where I was laid off in 2001). I got my undergraduate and masters degree from FSU and worked in Tallahassee for a few years.

Now, I live in North Georgia and have been here about 3 years. I miss Florida. I miss being near family and friends and I miss the weather. Today is April 6th, the middle of the day, and it is 46 degrees outside. Tomorrow, they predict snow flurries. The heat has been on in my house since mid October. I have worn shorts once in the past 6 months.

I can’t complain though. Even though my utilities bill is about 4 times the amount as in Florida, my house is double the size. You can get a lot more here for the money in real estate. I have met some great people here and had my beautiful little boy here.

Knowing my husband, we will never again be living in Florida but I will always be around to visit.


Sprite's Keeper said...

As long as you're nearby in thoughts, it doesn't matter where you live, Ali. :-)

Sprite's Keeper said...

Got it! You're linked!

Joanie said...

Geez! It was warmer in PA today than in GA! I keep thinking about moving south in a few years because I am so tired of winter weather and cold temps. I hope that cold snap is an unusual occurrence!

The Dental Maven said...

Found you at Sprite's Keeper. Now, seriously. A THRASHERS JERSEY??? Can't believe your little guy would be such a turncoat! Florida had not one but 2 hockey teams!!! Oh well. There's still time to change his allegiance.

Beccabec said...

I feel so special that I have been able to visit you in all the locations! Even once when you were in Tampa and I got wrong directions and realized something was wrong when I saw the sign for New Port Richey.

Fran said...

Your son is so cute and getting so big.

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way about my home, in Arizona. Living in Canada is quite the adjustment, but it is advantageous for us to stay...

Rachel said...

I would happily trade you locations in a nanosecond, huge utility bill and all!

Pseudo said...

Came from teh spin cycle. I vacationed on the East Coast two years ago and loved it from Georgia all the way to Florida.

I know homesickness though. I cannot travel home without buying a plane ticket.