This week’s spin cycle is on parent confessions. My confession is about food and my son. I have been called a food Nazi. Why? You may ask. Because, I am very strict on my son’s diet. He did not have sugar until his first birthday and he probably only had sugar a few times between his first and second birthday. (And, that would be at other kid’s birthday parties)
When I pack my son’s lunch, I pack fruit and veggies every day. (It is up to Eli to eat them.) And, I pack NO snacks with lunch. (Unless you count yogurt) I figure, he is given snacks at school. No need for him to eat an extra snack over healthier lunch food.
When my son starting eating solid food up until about 18 months, he ate his veggies in every color of the rainbow. (Except broccoli but he ate other green veggies) By 18 months, the number of veggies he would eat dwindled and now at 2.5 years old, he eats corn only.
I offer veggies everyday to him and if he eats them great, and if he doesn’t, I know I will be serving him corn later in the week.
The obesity rate in kids scares me so I do not offer Eli sugar or saturated fats. Now that he is older, if he asks for a cookie or snack, I give it to him in moderation. I cringe when my in-laws visit because all my MIL wants to give Eli is crap and saturated fat. Does she think he will love her more for giving him things that mommy does not offer? I don’t know but I always have to watch her around him when it comes to food. I don’t understand what a 1 year old needs more butter on his bread than a 32 year old? (Maybe I should ask her.)
So, what is my confession? When I need Eli to cooperate quickly (getting ready for school when we wake up late), I offer him crap food. Nothing major. Maybe a couple of fruit snacks (not the whole package). Just enough to keep him still while I get him dressed!
Am I a hypocrite? I hope not. But, that is my mommy confession.
Oh, Ali, I used to be a veggie pusher like you. There is help, or just acceptance.
Look at you and Lowell. I remember that you were very thin as a kid, Gah, are we really in our thirties?, and Lowell was fine too. Eli will probably emulate that during his childhood. I too offer Sprite bribes in the shape of m&m's to get her to do something or move faster. We ALL do. Your MIL probably wants to offer those sweets because she wants him to relate good feelings with her, even if the feeling stems from a cookie or a toy. My MIL does it too. My mom too if I don't stop her in time. If you're being strict (which is fine, I only give Sprite chicken nuggets once a week even though she asks for them every night) with the daily food intake, her slip of the sweets should not be a big deal, or they should, for Eli will know they come with Grandma, so he probably won't ask for them with you.
Sprite is the same way with veggies. She used to eat everything, now she'll only eat broccoli, green beans, and carrots, and only if she can dip them in ketchup. Licopene excuse, anyone?
You're linked! (And understood!)
Princess Nagger used to eat all vegetables without protest. Now the only veggie she truly likes is corn - and more so if it's corn on the cob. I keep the junk food and sugary treats to a minimum, too, but when Princess Nagger does get to imbibe, she knows the trade off is she has to brush her teeth right away...not just during the 'normal' times, but extra! ;) She's always been in the ten percentile weight of her 'chart', since she's so physically active and burns off everything she eats so I don't worry too much about that part of it - but I do keep an eye on her intake to make sure anything is in moderation. :)
Great spin! :)
You posted!!!!
Kids learn by example and you do such a great job in what you eat that I am sure Eli will not be bowled over by one fruit snack.
We have succumbed to the ketchup fairy. Everything has to have some ketchup on it. I don't know where she picked it up but we have had to bend over. Ugh...
Hi, it's a great blog.
I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!
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