Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Random Thoughts Tuesday

I have been following Random Thoughts Tuesday for a while but have yet to participate. I always have lots of random thoughts in my mind but never the time to write them down. I decided today, I would take five minutes out of my day and at least get a few thoughts down!

Does anyone else besides me wonder why Dora can’t afford to buy clothes that cover her belly? She is a mega super star. Can’t she afford clothes that fit?

Do people have any respect any more? We still had families (with toddler aged kids) trick or treating at 9:30pm. I had a huge sign on my door- “My baby is sleeping. Do not ring the door bell.” yet we had a few families (with adults) ringing the door bell for more candy. Shouldn’t there be a time at night where this stops so one can go to bed?

To my neighbor who gave my son while trick or treating information about her church, HOW DARE YOU! I have no interest in your church and NEVER will. Keep your religion at home and do NOT spread your beliefs to other people.

Speaking of Halloween: The lazy people that I see on Halloween really bother me. In my neighborhood, parents like to drive their kids from house to house. Instead of giving these kids candy, I would rather give them a fitness tip written on an index card. What are we teaching our kids? No wonder the obesity percentage is very high for children.

Speaking of lazy people: The parents of my neighborhood drive their kids to the bus stop. This is another pet peeve of mine. My neighborhood is not very big and there are three bus stops in my neighborhood but parents feel that their precious children’s feet are too good for walking. When Eli is old enough, I will be the mean mom that will REFUSE to drive him down the block to the bus stop. He will actually have to use his feet and walk!

Well, I wrote down more thoughts than I expected for my first Random Thoughts Tuesday. Visit Keely's place at The Un Mom for more random thoughts!


I am Harriet said...

Trick or treaters at 9:30? Yikes. We have hours here and people surprisingly obey them.

Have a great rtt!

Sprite's Keeper said...

Get that anger out, Ali! I'm not really all that shocked about the church brochures since we see it a lot down here, but then again our Jewish population is extremely small compared to others. Ringing a doorbell after 9:30? Um, I know it's Halloween and all but come on! Maybe the sign should have read "all out of candy!"