Monday, August 25, 2008

Is the weekend over already?

Now that we are done nursing, Eli is sleeping through the night. I put him down between 7:30pm and 8pm and he wakes up between 6:30am and 7am. It is wonderful. I am a morning person so I am awake by 7am without my 15 month old alarm clock.

But, here is where the problem comes- I am having trouble falling asleep. I try to turn in between 10pm and 11pm every night but I seem to lay there until sometimes 1:30am trying to fall asleep. I need to find some type of relaxing activity before bedtime. I usually read but I want to make it to the next chapter and end up reading later than anticipated. I could take a bath but with the drought going on here, I have been trying to conserve water. I could try exercising but that would mean cleaning the dust away from the equipment.

The easiest solution would be to create more hours in the day. Can any of you help with that?


Beccabec said...

Once you have it figured out, let me know. I need a few more hours in the day but then they would probably just go to work. So we have to think of how to have more non work hours in the day!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm going to go there. Have you tried the old tried and true? Whenever I can't get to sleep, I just wake John up and make him help me go to sleep! :-)