Monday, August 4, 2008

Within Chaos, There is a Sense of Calmness

This past week, we have had my inlaws here visiting. Their schedules are completely different than ours so it has been a little chaotic at home. The time I look forward to most in the day is right before I put Eli to bed. We go upstairs and I put him in his pajamas. I brush his teeth and I wash his hands and his face. I read him a book and then I nurse him. Then, I put him to bed for the night.

I am in the process of weaning Eli. We are down to 1-2 nursings a day. By the next two weeks, we should be done with nursing. I will miss it, especially the night feeding, the one time of day when I get to relax. I am sure Eli will miss it as well. It is a nice cuddling time where he looks at me and smiles and puts his fingers to my lips so I can kiss them.

Tonight, I put Eli in his crib and said the same thing I say every night, “Good night, I love you. I will see you in the morning.” Eli smiled at me. A very sweet smile that everyone especially a mother could love.


Anonymous said...

You've got me a bit teary over here! I miss those moments so much, I'm not sure if it's the nursing or just the closeness of holding your baby so close to you, connected to each other. Big hugs your way and a big smacker kiss for Eli!

Anonymous said...

Hey there! Link to my site. You've got an award to add your sidebar.