Sunday, July 20, 2008

Go Noles!!!!

I must say- I am so excited. This week, I bought tickets for the FSU/GA Tech game in Atlanta in November and bought my flight for the FSU/Colorado game which is in Jacksonville in September.

I used to never miss a game. I have missed weddings for games. But, then Eli was born and I don't want to miss a minute with him so we watched games on TV instead of traveling to them.

I would love to go to more games in Tallahassee but I don't know if Eli could take the drive and flights to Tally are more expensive than going to Europe. But, this year, I am definitely going to two games so that is an improvement from last year!

I know my days of NEVER missing a home game are done but now I live closer to the away teams and I should be able to go to more of those games.

We are over a month away from football season but all I have to say is: GO NOLES!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I think Lowell needs to start his own blog so we can hear something from the Gator side. :-)

Beccabec said...

GO UCF KNIGHTS!!! Sorry, couldn't resist!