Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Last night, Eli took 14 steps unassisted at one time. At night, Eli loves to walk from mom to dad and then dad to mom. Lowell and I sit further and further apart to see how long Eli can walk. Well, last night we were almost at the corners of the room and Eli went 14 steps.

Eli will put his hands up in the air to ask you to stand him up and then walk with excitement to the other parent. Then, he usually pops down and crawls back to the original parent to start again.

He should be walking in no time!


Beccabec said...

It is all downhill from here!!! Go Eli!

Anonymous said...

Alright, Eli!
Ali and Lowell, I hate to break it to you, but your countertops are no longer safe havens for breakables. Eli will soon learn his toes are not just for balance, but for leverage..