Thursday, November 5, 2009
I Must Confess
This week’s spin cycle is on parent confessions. My confession is about food and my son. I have been called a food Nazi. Why? You may ask. Because, I am very strict on my son’s diet. He did not have sugar until his first birthday and he probably only had sugar a few times between his first and second birthday. (And, that would be at other kid’s birthday parties)
When I pack my son’s lunch, I pack fruit and veggies every day. (It is up to Eli to eat them.) And, I pack NO snacks with lunch. (Unless you count yogurt) I figure, he is given snacks at school. No need for him to eat an extra snack over healthier lunch food.
When my son starting eating solid food up until about 18 months, he ate his veggies in every color of the rainbow. (Except broccoli but he ate other green veggies) By 18 months, the number of veggies he would eat dwindled and now at 2.5 years old, he eats corn only.
I offer veggies everyday to him and if he eats them great, and if he doesn’t, I know I will be serving him corn later in the week.
The obesity rate in kids scares me so I do not offer Eli sugar or saturated fats. Now that he is older, if he asks for a cookie or snack, I give it to him in moderation. I cringe when my in-laws visit because all my MIL wants to give Eli is crap and saturated fat. Does she think he will love her more for giving him things that mommy does not offer? I don’t know but I always have to watch her around him when it comes to food. I don’t understand what a 1 year old needs more butter on his bread than a 32 year old? (Maybe I should ask her.)
So, what is my confession? When I need Eli to cooperate quickly (getting ready for school when we wake up late), I offer him crap food. Nothing major. Maybe a couple of fruit snacks (not the whole package). Just enough to keep him still while I get him dressed!
Am I a hypocrite? I hope not. But, that is my mommy confession.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Random Thoughts Tuesday
Does anyone else besides me wonder why Dora can’t afford to buy clothes that cover her belly? She is a mega super star. Can’t she afford clothes that fit?
Do people have any respect any more? We still had families (with toddler aged kids) trick or treating at 9:30pm. I had a huge sign on my door- “My baby is sleeping. Do not ring the door bell.” yet we had a few families (with adults) ringing the door bell for more candy. Shouldn’t there be a time at night where this stops so one can go to bed?
To my neighbor who gave my son while trick or treating information about her church, HOW DARE YOU! I have no interest in your church and NEVER will. Keep your religion at home and do NOT spread your beliefs to other people.
Speaking of Halloween: The lazy people that I see on Halloween really bother me. In my neighborhood, parents like to drive their kids from house to house. Instead of giving these kids candy, I would rather give them a fitness tip written on an index card. What are we teaching our kids? No wonder the obesity percentage is very high for children.
Speaking of lazy people: The parents of my neighborhood drive their kids to the bus stop. This is another pet peeve of mine. My neighborhood is not very big and there are three bus stops in my neighborhood but parents feel that their precious children’s feet are too good for walking. When Eli is old enough, I will be the mean mom that will REFUSE to drive him down the block to the bus stop. He will actually have to use his feet and walk!
Well, I wrote down more thoughts than I expected for my first Random Thoughts Tuesday. Visit Keely's place at The Un Mom for more random thoughts!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Night Games
When I was in college, I loved the night games. You would go to the game, the team would win, and then you would go directly to the bars to celebrate. This schedule works well when one is in college.
Now, that it is 10 years later, I am not so fond of the night games. Last night, FSU played UNC and the game started at 8pm. I am not one to miss a single second of the game but I was wondering how I would stay awake for this game. (I usually get ready for bed around 10pm!)
I managed to stay up for most of the game. I feel asleep for about 5 minutes and missed FSU scoring but I am paying for it today. I am tired.
So, the moral of the story is: Night games are great for those in college but horrible for adults who have full time jobs and a child to take care of.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Drink Up
Anyways, I responded to my massage therapist, I don’t drink as much as I should- about 2 cups a day. She told me that I should be drinking half my weight in ounces of water a day! So 120lbs = 60 ounces of water a day. That is a lot of water.
So, now I am on a mission to drink 60 ounces of water a day. In the month since I was told this information, I have succeeded twice. I thought I would succeed today but I am down 30 ounces and only a few hours left in my day.
I have been drinking about 30 ounces of water a day and I tell you- I feel great. It is much better than drinking that much juice a day. I hope to keep up my consumption of water each day.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Spin Cycle - Homemade Hot Fudge
3 squares of Bakers Chocolate (unsweetened)
3 tablespoons of butter
1 cup of sugar
2/3 cup evaporated milk (1 small can)
1 teaspoon of vanilla
Melt chocolate and butter on medium heat in small sauce pan. When both are almost melted, slowly add milk and sugar alternating between each. Continue constantly stirring. Add vanilla. Stir until fudge thickens and sugar has dissolved. Fudge is even better the 2nd day reheated. Serve over ice cream and enjoy!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Here is how our conversation from breakfast went this morning.
Me: "Finish your cherrios."
Eli: "Why?"
Me: "Because it will make you big and strong."
Eli: "Why?"
Me: "Because it is healthy for you."
Eli: "Why?"
Me: "Because of the nutrients."
Eli: "Why?"
Me: "Because I said so."
Eli: "Why?"
Me: "Because I said so."
Eli: "Why?"
And it went on and on from there. I did not think the "Why" stage came until later but it is very cute. (at least for now)
In Guest Room Babysitter
Eli usually has a two hour nap during the day and then sleeps from 7:30pm – 6:45am at night. We were not able to give him a nap every day because of different activities going on so I was insistent that he needed to go to bed ON TIME!
Lowell and I were on vacation and we did not want to sit in our room from 7:30pm for the rest of the night so I hired a babysitter from the cruise line to watch Eli as he slept. The two nights that we hired a babysitter, I had the sitter come to the room after Eli had fallen asleep.
The first night of having a sitter a nice woman from China arrives. Unfortunately, Eli was not quite asleep when she arrived. She asked if she should feed him, give him a drink etc. I said no- just let him fall asleep and that he should be out soon. I then told her that once he has been out for 15 minutes, she can turn on the TV, use the book light I brought to read etc. She said thank you but she will just sit there as Eli slept. I again told her that he would not wake up once he has been out for a little while and please make herself comfortable and watch tv or read etc.
Lowell and I come back three hours later and Eli is asleep and the babysitter is sitting on the floor in the dark.
Now, I should describe the room to you. If you have been on a cruise before, you can imagine, the room is NOT big. In our room, you walk in and there is a small closet (picture a small pantry closet) on one side and the bathroom on the other side. There is a small desk next to the closet and then the pack n play and bed. There is NO room to walk. I will post a picture once they are uploaded.
So, we hired a babysitter the next night. This time I was able to meet her beforehand. She was helping us at the guest relations desk and told us she would be our sitter for the night. Again I encouraged her to bring a book, she could watch tv etc. I told her Eli would be sleeping the same time. She said thank you but she will just sit in the dark while he sleeps. And she did.
The babysitter gets paid $12 an hour so I think that is pretty decent for sitting in the dark while my son sleeps!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
A Much Needed Vacation
I work for a Fortune 500 company and work many hours. During the week, I usually work 9-10 hours a day and work a few hours over the weekend. It was nice to take this vacation and leave the work computer behind. But, the problem is that the work does not stop while I am away. It just grows.
I returned from vacation to approximately 150 e-mails that I needed to do something with. I am a project manager and manage multiple projects at a time. Unfortunately, I am back from vacation but will be working long hours this week to catch up on work missed.
The vacation though was wonderful. I hope to blog about it this week. I really did find time to relax which I needed. I loved keeping my mind away from work and everything else. I also treasured the time that I spent with my family.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Surviving the heat
I have been living in Georgia for a couple of years now. The humidity is less where I live, the summers are mild and the winters are brutal (at least to a Floridian). Growing up, I always loved the hot weather and the summers. Unfortunately, I am not used to the heat anymore.
I went to Gainesville last weekend to see a football game with my husband and son. I am so happy that we had a link to go inside the air condition areas. After being outside for the first quarter, I was done and ready for the AC. I spent more than half the game indoors.
This weekend, I am at my alma mater in Tallahassee. Weather says for gametime tomorrow, it will be 90 degrees outside. I am not looking forward to that. Normally, I get to the game early, stay the entire game, enjoy the heat and now I am afraid that I will have to leave the game early due to the heat.
It is amazing how your body changes over just a couple of years.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Cute saying from Eli
So sweet.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Missing Florida
I left South Florida for North Florida for college. (Go Noles!) I lived in Tallahassee for 11 years (minus 9 months for a job in Tampa where I was laid off in 2001). I got my undergraduate and masters degree from FSU and worked in Tallahassee for a few years.
Now, I live in North Georgia and have been here about 3 years. I miss Florida. I miss being near family and friends and I miss the weather. Today is April 6th, the middle of the day, and it is 46 degrees outside. Tomorrow, they predict snow flurries. The heat has been on in my house since mid October. I have worn shorts once in the past 6 months.
I can’t complain though. Even though my utilities bill is about 4 times the amount as in Florida, my house is double the size. You can get a lot more here for the money in real estate. I have met some great people here and had my beautiful little boy here.
Knowing my husband, we will never again be living in Florida but I will always be around to visit.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
A Sense of Relief
Looking at my calendar, my manager just scheduled 15 minutes with me for the afternoon. Fifteen minute meetings are not normal and under the circumstance, I began to panic. It was 9am when my panic began and I did not want to wait six hours to meet with my manager and find out my fate.
I sent her an instant message and said that I heard some rumors and if she had five free minutes to please call. Luckily I was on the phone with her a few minutes later and found out I was safe in this round of lay offs.
I feel so bad though. The rumor is 5,000 employees were laid off and some people from my division are gone. Jobs are being shipped overseas. It really makes me angry and upset that a company has to send jobs overseas. The US is struggling enough and this situation does not help.
But enough about politics. I hate talking about politics and have never liked government.
I feel relived that I still have a job but scared that it could be taken away from me at a moment’s notice.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Day 3: Epcot
We left the park after 11am so Eli could get a nap in before our flight home. Due to problems with our hotel room, we were given late checkout (3pm) for free. We finally get back to the room close to 1 and Eli naps. I felt bad that I had to wake him at 10 to 3 because of checkout.
We check out of the hotel and walk around the hotel for the next two hours until we can leave for the airport (and when Lowell was out of the conference).
We had a late flight so I was nervous about Eli but he was so well behaved. (It helped that I had a DVD and snacks prepared.) We finally got home after 10pm and we all crashed.
Even today, over a week later, we are still all trying to catch up from sleep.
Day 2: Animal Kingdom
Eli did enjoy looking at the animals but besides the safari and Dino ride (like Dumbo), I can’t think of any other rides we went on. I really wanted to see the Lion King and Nemo shows but one was 30 min long and the other 45 min long and I thought that was too long for Eli.
Luckily, today, a friend got me in the park so admission was free. Normally to park hop, you spend an additional $50! (rip off!) Eli and I took the bus to Hollywood Studies and went on the Great Movie Ride. I really wanted to go on the new Buzz Lightyear ride but the line was an hour long and it was close to naptime. So, Eli and I headed back to the hotel and I put him down for a nap.
I met some great friends who I have not seen in years for dinner and that was nice.
Day 1: The Magic Kingdom
I was not sure what rides he would enjoy or be afraid of but he loved them all. I think his favorite ride was the Dumbo ride. "Up" and "Whee" were his favorite things to say on this ride.
I was not sure how Eli would do in the Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean ride but he enjoyed them both. Because we were between hotels, we had no where to go back for Eli’s nap so Eli had another day without a nap!
Eli became really cranky by 4pm and I knew we had to leave soon. We left the park around 5:15pm. We drove to the new hotel and checked in and settled into our room. I had to call 5 times for them to deliver the crib but the crib finally made it. Eli was so overtired that he did not want to sleep but he finally settled down at 8pm.
Monday, March 16, 2009
First Evening in Orlando
So, our experience at the airport was not very good but luckily Eli did great on the flight even though it was his normal nap time. After we arrived, we drove to our hotel. We were staying at a Best Western for one night and then transferring over to a Hilton for the remaining two nights.
We arrive at the hotel and relax. My brother, Josh, and his girlfriend, Elsa, were in
A couple of my friends joining us were meeting Eli for the first time. I knew he would be crabby so I felt bad that this would be their meeting of him. Sure enough, my no nap kid was cranky. He did not want to sit in his high chair. He did not want to eat. I had to hold him in my lap to keep him semi-happy. He was tired.
We got through dinner though. It was so nice to see everyone. One of my friends even drove in from
Atlanta Airport Experience
I was so excited about our trip to Orlando. Lowell had a conference to attend and I was taking advantage of that by taking a couple days off work and taking Eli to Walt Disney Word for the first time.
Traveling is always a stressful experience in our household. Lowell likes to get to the airport when the plane is boarding and I prefer to be there 2 hours before. Each experience of driving to the airport usually lends itself to a disagreement.
Well, we arrive at the Atlanta Airport and the stress continues. The one nice thing about this airport is that there is a separate stroller line and in busy times you can cut 1 hour worth of security. Lowell and I proceed through that lane and go to the special assistance section of security. Because Delta now charges to check in even the first bag, we only had carry on. Each of us had one suitcase and one computer bag. Then we also had the stroller and the car seat- a lot of stuff! We had about half our stuff on the belt when a guy puts his stuff in front of mine. "Hey", I say, "we were in line first." He yells back- you are taking too long. I begin to move his tray back behind my stuff and he elbows me in the neck and pushes me. First of all, I was shocked then angry. I yell out to TSA- this guy just pushed me. Finally, Lowell who was occupied with Eli realizes what was going on and yells “this guy just pushed me wife, can we get some help here?” Finally, TSA yells for security as the guy goes through. Security did nothing. Finally Lowell and I go through security and yell for a cop.
The cop comes over, asked what happened and did nothing! Absolutely nothing. I was shocked and appalled. I should have pretended to fall and then maybe something would have happened.
The guy who pushed me had two girls with him, one looked to be a young teenager and the other a toddler. I feel very sorry for them. Their father could use some anger management and TSA in Atlanta needs to learn to do there jobs!
Friday, February 27, 2009
I taught Eli baby signs when he was younger. It helped us communicate since he was not talking. He learned please, thank you, milk, more, eat etc. Eli still uses those signs but has started to incorporate the words with them. He now says more and milk.
Some of Eli’s other words include: mama, dada, Wallace (the dog), Bruce (the other dog), juice (one of his favorites), ball, pootball (football), ball ball (basketball), puck, nana (banana), apple, duck, up.
And his new word yesterday was ketchup! Eli is also learning the different sounds animals make. His favorite is the sound a horse makes!
I am so proud of my little man.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Horray for Chili's
We found that Chili’s offers a good selection on their kid’s menu. I am very strict with Eli’s diet. Obesity is so common in kids these days that I have to be. Eli rarely eats chicken nuggets and even less frequently has french fries. I could probably count on one hand as many times as he has had each. Chili’s had grilled chicken on their menu which always gets a star in my book and they had a selection of sides including vegetables and milk is offered as a drink without an extra charge. Two thumbs up for their kid’s meal.
As for my meal, the Guiltless Platter selection was wonderful. I knew that Chili's offered a Guiltless Chicken platter but did not know that they offered a salmon and steak platter.
I ordered the Guiltless Salmon Platter. It was excellent. The salmon was very flavorful and I would order this dish again.
It was nice to have an enjoyable experience eating out where I feel we ate healthy!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
There's No Place Like Home, Click 3 Times
When I think of tornadoes, I think of the Wizard of Oz. I am a Floridan, there is no worry about tornadoes. Well, that ended a couple of years ago when my husband and I moved to
I remember moving here and my dad who works in
Last week, I was upstairs playing with my son. I had just finished working for the day. I thought I heard a fire truck. Not a big deal but the odd thing was that the sirens did not stop. I wondered if the vehicle was in our neighborhood. Five minutes later, my husband yells out- the tornado sirens are on.
I scoped up Eli and brought him down to the basement and turned on the news in the one room in the basement which is finished- our gym. I turned on the space heater and waited for my husband to come downstairs. A couple minutes later I ran back upstairs to find
The news said there was potential for tornadoes in the area and the warning was for the next 30 minutes. Fifteen minutes later,
Being from
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Yay for me!
Cost Cutting
I have not written in my blog much lately. I have been working 50+ hours per week which will hopefully provide me with some job security since my company has been laying off left and right and myself and son have been sick on and off since November (will it ever warm up here?)
This week’s Spin Cycle is about Cost Cutting. Not only do I think that I have some expertise in this but also I owe a note to a friend (about a month late) about this topic so I figured no excuse – write in the blog and send the note to my friend!
Dear Jamie (name changed),
I am sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your e-mail about saving money, coupons etc. Work, as usual, has been rather busy. You ask about cutting coupons and saving money and I would like to tell you how I do this.
First things first- every Sunday Lowell and I receive the Sunday newspaper. It is delivered for $1.50 a week (instead of the $2.00 front page cost). We negotiated the rate down from $2.00. My purpose for getting the paper is not to read the news (that is what the internet is for) but to clip coupons and find sales. Here are some of the things I look for in the paper:
- Grocery coupons – I clip anything we may use and have an organizer I store them in. (Last I saw, Target is selling the coupon organizer in their $1.00 bins.) When I go shopping for groceries, I know that store brand may be cheaper than name brand with a coupon and look for that.
- Publix ad – In GA, Publix has a penny item. The coupon is always in Publix’s Sunday ad and is for a store brand product. (We have purchased Publix brand salad dressing, cereal, paper towels, coffee etc for a penny.) You have to spend $10 in Publix to get the penny item but of course that is not a problem. Lowell and I found that the cost of food at Publix is 20% - 50% more expensive than Walmart or Target so we only shop at Publix for the deals. In the Publix ad, there are a number of items that are two for one. If these are items that Lowell and I regularly use, we stock up. For instance, V8 Berry Blend Splash Juice which is our favorite was two for one last week and we bought 6 of them because we knew it was a good deal. We also buy our milk from Publix since it is hormone free. Other than the deals, milk and sometimes deli, we do all our other shopping at Walmart and Target. One last note about Publix, get to know the prices of items, when an item rings up incorrectly, you get the item for free (except alcohol). We tend to get one item for free per week.
- Shopping ads – We look through all of the ads at stores to see what specials are happening this week. Petco regularly has the Science Diet dog food we feed our dogs at $8.00 off and we buy then.
If there is an item you know you are buying that week, try the internet for coupons. The contact lens solution we use is pretty expensive and I can usually print out a $1 or $2 off coupon from the website each time I need to buy it.
Going out to dinner – Lowell and I usually pick out our restaurants by coupons. You can find buy one/get one free coupons all the time through the mail. Also, we sign up for e-mail lists from restaurants we like to get additional coupons and have the Entertainment book which has lots of coupons.
Satellite TV- when we moved into our house, I shopped Comcast, Dish Network, and Direct TV to see where I would get the best rate. Dish Network won and gave us the best rate. After a year with Dish Network, our “special” rate ended and out bill went up. I called Dish and said if they wanted to keep us as a customer, they needed to lower their rate. After talking to a supervisor, we were given $20 off a month for 6 months. When the 6 months expired, I called Dish and said to keep us as a customer, they need to renew the $20 off a month for 6 months. They did and we are not even under contract.
XM radio - When I bought my car, it came with XM radio. Once the free membership expired, I was asked to renew. It was either $12 a month or $20 a month. I felt those rates were too high. The channels I liked had commercials and I just would not pay that much. I called XM and talked to a customer service person and said the service is not worth more than $5 a month and if they could get me to $5 a month I would even pay for a year in advance. The customer service agent went down to $5.85 a month.
Buying my car – Before buying my car, I did a lot of research. First I narrowed down which car I wanted by test driving a few different models. Once I decided on the car I wanted, a Honda Pilot, I looked up the invoice price on (Kelly’s Blue Book). Finally, I e-mailed every Honda dealership in GA the same e-mail which basically stated the exact car I wanted with the accessories I wanted. I got quotes back from each dealership. I took the lowest price of the car and the lowest price of accessories (all below invoice price) and e-mailed the dealership closest to me to match the price. I said if they matched the price, I would be in that week to buy the car. And, they did. It was a no hassle deal, the nicest time buying a car ever because when I arrived at the dealership, I did not have to negotiate a price. Now, I don’t think I could have done that with an Acura (a more luxury car) but easily with a Honda. (and I love my car)
A couple of other notes I forgot – I buy in bulk for many items and we have a membership to BJs who not only sends coupons each week but also accepts coupons. Last week, we bought bulk toilet paper and used a coupon where we buy toilet paper, we get 4 things of toothpaste for free ($7.50) value plus $.50 off (coupon from the Sunday paper).
CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid all have a program where you receive money back for a product bought. (Whether it is mail in rebate or money back for next time in the store). Since these stores are much more expensive than Walmart or Target, I only do this when the savings is a lot (over 50% of the cost of the items).
I apologize if this e-mail is exhausting but please let me know if you have any questions.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
First Day of School
I woke up this morning an hour before my alarm was supposed to go off. Went back to sleep and woke up at 6:20am (20 minutes before the alarm should go off). Got out of bed and got myself dressed. Then I heard Eli whine. (He whines when he wakes up.) I fed and dressed Eli and we were on our way to school.
It was pouring today. I know it is good luck if it rains on your wedding day but what about your first day of school?
We arrive at school and Eli eagerly walks to his classroom. We go inside and I talk to the teacher while Eli hangs onto my leg. I said goodbye to Eli and told him I would be back after lunch. He started crying and the teacher picked him up.
I left the room and peeked into the room two minutes later and he had already stopped crying. He was hanging onto the teacher but not crying. I consider that a great sign.
Lowell and I go to pick him up after lunch and Eli noticed Lowell and said “Da da” with a huge smile. One of Eli’s teachers said he did great and that he especially loved gym time.
Here is his report:
Monday, January 5, 2009
Ew Gross!
My little boy!
Preschool Orientation
Today, was our orientation. It was not a formal orientation since most kids started back in September- just an informal session where we learn how to sign Eli in and out, use the security system and meet Eli’s teachers.
We walked into Eli’s classroom and met his teachers. He was clingy to me at first but when I started talking to his teacher, he started playing with a truck. He brought the truck to me to show me and then went and played. I think it is a good sign that he felt comfortable walking away from me to play.
It was interesting to see that there were 80% boys in his classroom. Only two girls total. Can’t believe he starts tomorrow.