Eli went for his 4th haircut this past weekend. Yes, my 15 month old went for his 4th haircut. (And if my husband had had his way, it would have been 10th by now). Usually, the woman cuts his hair using scissors so when he is done in my husband's eyes he needs another haircut. But, this time Lowell asked for Eli to have a buzz cut so it would finally be as short as he likes it.
Well, it is short. I miss Eli's curls that I loved to play with and I think he looks like a completely different kid. (not my kid!) But, the good news is that I will not have to get his haircut next week. But, I like his hair longer. At least it will grow back, and probably quickly.
Enjoy some before and after pictures:

No! You took the last of the baby! That's a boy! I'm devastated. (Ask Lowell how he would be if you had a girl. John is constantly saying how we can't touch Sprite's hair in the back so it grows longer while her bangs get cut every 3 weeks.)
Ali & Jen - I have been where both of you are!
My MIL hates Sneaky Monkey's curls and cuts them constantly! Little Man too but his curls are kinda funky and he does lok better with a closer cut.
Princess, her hair cannot be touched yet her bangs get shorter every time she comes back from visiting grandma.
Don't even get me started on Angel Eyes and Baby Boy! They have the straightest hair but beautiful but heaven forbid it is a bit long! (I like the look of the twin boys on Full House but hubby and MIL say NO! - I'm out voted on that one!_
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