Wednesday, June 11, 2008

You have a baby, you lose a mind

I think there must be some type of silent contract-

a baby for your mind, memory

My memory is gone. Completely. I was talking to an old friend from college. She was telling me she saw the newest pictures of Eli and that he is growing so fast. I said something about how she should meet him before he gets too big. She comes back and says, "Alison, I already met him."

That's right- she did meet him. At my parent's house in Fl. Drove for an hour to come up and see him. Got lost and I gave her directions. But, I did not remember.

Now, that I have my baby- how can I get my mind/memory back?


Anonymous said...

I think they're for sale. On Ebay.
Or you could go completely looney tunes and steal a Beatles song over it. Wait, I did that. Sorry, babe. We're hopeless!

Beccabec said...

There is no recovering. I have just accepted it. Or at least I think I have accepted it. I can't remember...