I woke up this morning an hour before my alarm was supposed to go off. Went back to sleep and woke up at 6:20am (20 minutes before the alarm should go off). Got out of bed and got myself dressed. Then I heard Eli whine. (He whines when he wakes up.) I fed and dressed Eli and we were on our way to school.
It was pouring today. I know it is good luck if it rains on your wedding day but what about your first day of school?
We arrive at school and Eli eagerly walks to his classroom. We go inside and I talk to the teacher while Eli hangs onto my leg. I said goodbye to Eli and told him I would be back after lunch. He started crying and the teacher picked him up.
I left the room and peeked into the room two minutes later and he had already stopped crying. He was hanging onto the teacher but not crying. I consider that a great sign.
Lowell and I go to pick him up after lunch and Eli noticed Lowell and said “Da da” with a huge smile. One of Eli’s teachers said he did great and that he especially loved gym time.
Here is his report: